Truth and Democracy
"holy family"
'bliar' gives it up
Yukking it UP
"holy family"
"depleted rummy"
Truth in Reporting
No Justice No Peace
Troops Home NOW
"Mother of All Smoke Screens"
Corruption of Democracy
"charles dubya manson"
Eighteen hundred fifty-seven AND COUNTING
"Banned in Boston"

Facetiousness is lost on the dull, the dimwitted, and the dead.

"holy family"

Combined crimes include:
starving to death half the babies in Iraq
naked aggression against Iraq and Afghanistan
spilling the blood of innocents and others to keep oil prices low
stealing the Iraqi oil
torture - some to death; others to unending s&m humiliation
lying to the people of the world
misleading the American people
and personally benefitting financially by
their high crimes and misdemeanors