Drunks in Charge
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Again a picture -- actually this time the whole site -- disappears from the Internet -- DISAPPEARING WHATEVER/WHOEVER they want eliminated. "We'll kill whoever we damned well please."
www.drunkenbuffoonery.com no longer exists.

"I know about drunken buffoonery.
 Once, I was so drunk that I killed
 my girlfriend in an hilarious auto-accident"
-- Sen. Ted Kennedy

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 in memory of Mary Jo Kopechne,
the Katrina  victims and in support of
 the Guantanamo detainees. 

Negligent Homocide

Dear Friend,

As the nation’s anger rises over the Bush administration’s mishandling of the Katrina catastrophe, men at the Guantánamo Bay Prison camp are starving to death. . . .

 Currently, more than 200 detainees in Guantánamo Bay are

in their fifth week of a hunger strike. Their demands are simple:

give us a trial or release us. 

The hunger strike resulted from the U.S. Department of  Defense

 reneging on promises to bring the detention camp into compliance

with Geneva Conventions.

Begging Doggy

dubya walking his dog ABUSE
dry drunk wet drunk or power drunk?

Fifth week of a hunger strike
and we are only now hearing
about it.  How's that for a 'free press'?