Truth and Democracy
Eighteen hundred fifty-seven AND COUNTING
'bliar' gives it up
Yukking it UP
"holy family"
"depleted rummy"
Truth in Reporting
No Justice No Peace
Troops Home NOW
"Mother of All Smoke Screens"
Corruption of Democracy
"charles dubya manson"
Eighteen hundred fifty-seven AND COUNTING
"Banned in Boston"

Roadside bomb kills four U.S. soldiers in Iraq

Attack follows blasts that killed 43

The Talk of The Town, New Yorker,
                                                   August 8 & 15, 2005                                   
Illustration / TOM BACHTELL
George W. Bush

[excerpts from above-cited magazine]
The Administration is admitting that its strategy since September 11th has failed, without really admitting it.
The single-minded emphasis on hunting down terrorists has failed . . .
The use of military force as the country's primary and, at times, only response has failed,  and has stretched the Army and the Marines to the breaking point.
. . . Unilateralism has failed.
The overwhelmingly American character of the war has failed . . .
Loading the entire burden of the war onto the backs of American soldiers, while telling the rest of the citizenry to go about its business, has failed, . . .
only thirty-four per cent of Americans said that we are winning the war on terrorism.